Satan Was Never Lucifer.
Question: Where does the Bible speak of the fall of the perfect angel Lucifer, who becomes or is Satan?
Answer: Actually, the Bible doesn't mention this. Some theologians have thought that Isaiah 14 relates the story of the fall of Lucifer, but it does not. The chapter is really about the human king of Babylon, and it uses metaphoric language that calls the king "the morning star" (Isa. 14:12), which is the planet Venus. Lucifer is Latin for "morning star" (as in the Latin Vulgate at Isa. 14:12). Because of the misinterpretation of Isaiah 14, lucifer came to be associated with Satan, and to be used as his name. The Bible itself does not teach anything specific about Satan's fall, nor does it ever call him "Lucifer." It does call Jesus the "morning star" (Rev. 22:16), and in 2 Peter 1:19 the Latin Vulgate speaks of lucifer arising in the hearts of believers. - Answer by Ra McLaughlin
Ok we now understand that the word lucifer is not theologically the name or related to Satan. But is Jesus Lucifer? Well, we know lucifer is a Latin word meaning "morning star" and can be a title of Jesus Christ of Nazareth(Rev.22:16). But, Jesus the Messiah cannot be called Lucifer since modern translations and many people who are not that theolgically literate are used to associating Lucifer as a name connected to the Devil or Satan. If we trace the root of this Latin word it literally meant "the planet Venus when it rises in the morning.", now let us examine who is the Lucifer the Roman Catholics are calling the father of Jesus Christ. You decide for yourself if it is Father of Jesus or some other being.
Youtube Vid: Pope Francis Declares Lucifer As God
Pope Francis and the Vatican has introduced the world to their god they been worshipping all along, Lucifer. According to Pope Francis and the Catholic Church, The Morning Star is the creator of the world and the father of Christ. He brought "light" to the human race.
This announced was made to the world April 27th, 2014 during a ceremony where Pope John paul the 1st and Pope john Paul the 2nd.This declaration is unprecedented and should cause concern to the world. It's no coincidence that the first Jesuit Pope would make such a shocking statement. He has been overhauling the Vatican since he got in. So far he has said Athiest will enter heaven as long as they do good works. He also stated Jesus is just a man and prays to the father and he is a co-mediator with mother Mary between God and man.
This is their new statement made during Mass and other ceremonies:
"His flame dawning his own son
May, I say to you O' lucifer who knows no setting
Christ is your son who came back from the dead
and shed his light to the human race
and is alive and reigns for ever and ever"
Youtube Vid: The Vatican's Millennia Secret Revealed and Reproved - Lucifer literally in the Vatican
Why would a supposed true Christian church keep non-Christian antithesis art on it's premise? Masons and secret societies have been known to do secret pagan demonic rituals and since we know by evidence that masons control the Vatican; it's logical to conclude that they must call on the fallen angel himself (Lucifer) in secret gnostic rituals to empower their control over foollish laymen Catholics. (Correction: evidence of public Devil Lucifer invocations are being done at the Vatican )
Many Gnostic's think that the Lord Jesus Christ is Lucifer. Certainly the catholic masons that control the Vatican do. You will hear this lie repeated over and over on the internets and gnostic propaganda websites.
They wrongly interpret Isaiah 14:12 "How are you fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how are you cut down to the ground, who did weaken the nations!"
NOTICE the text calls Lucifer "SON" (Hebrew bên) of the morning. Not the morning star himself. Revelation 22:16 calls Christ "the bright and morning star." NOT the son of the morning.
Lucifer was created by the Lord Jesus Christ and was a "son" angel who fell in rebellion to the Trinity. That is the proper exegesis of the Bible's thesis.
The Jesuit Vatican Observatory is proof of Roman Catholic worship of the heavenly bodies which date backs to the time of Nimrod and Semiramis. This ancient practice has been continued today disguised in what we call today as ASTRONOMY and ASTROLOGY which is plainly idolatry and a form of witchcraft prohibited in the scriptures. An ancient satanic practice of WITCHCRAFT, ASTROLOGY & MAGIC.
L.U.C.I.F.E.R., which stands for “Large Binocular Telescope Near-infrared Utility with Camera and Integral Field Unit for Extragalactic Research,” is a chilled instrument attached to a telescope in Arizona. And yes, it’s named for the Devil, whose name itself means “morning star” [and which] happens to be right next to the Vatican Observatory on Mt. Graham in Tucson.” — Rebecca Boyle, Popular Science Magazine.
Youtube Vid:Vatican Approved Satanic Catholic & Jesuit Churches Worldwide
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An idol of Santa Muerte in displayed and blessed inside a Church in Rome. |
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Mexican Catholics parade "Santa Muerte" through their streets. |
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A young Mexican worship the same "god" who is ruling in Rome. |
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Lucifer with wings. The Mexican is a copy of the idol venerated in a Church in Rome. |
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A Papist have put some rusted chains inside a Church, and demand from us to believe they are "holy" and was used to arrest Peter. |
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