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Saturday, October 25, 2014


Banned in some countries outside of the UK. A seasoned journalist, historical author attempts to find archaeological & literary evidence for the alleged Arabian Prophet of Islam outside of the Qur'an/Hadiths having access to the latest findings, going to the lands in question to look for key historical evidence.

R. Spencer's book "Did Muhammad Exist?" review;

"Essentially, Spencer maintains that the Arabian empire came first, the theology came later.

He concludes: "A careful investigation makes at least one thing clear: The details of Muhammad's life that have been handed down as canonical—that he unified Arabia by the force of arms, concluded alliances, married wives, legislated for his community, and did so much else—are a creation of political ferment dating from long after the time he is supposed to have lived. Similarly, the records strongly indicate that the Qur'an did not exist until long after it was supposed to have been delivered to the prophet of Islam."

"Did Muhammad exist? As a prophet of the Arabs who taught a vaguely defined monotheism, he may have existed. But beyond that, his life story is lost in the mists of legend, like those of Robin Hood and Macbeth. As the prophet of Islam, who received (or even claimed to receive) the perfect copy of the perfect eternal book from the supreme God, Muhammad almost certainly did not exist. There are too many gaps, too many silences, too many aspects of the historical record that simply do not accord, and cannot be made to accord, with the traditional account of the Arabian prophet teaching his Qur'an, energizing his followers to such an extent that they went out and conquered a good part of the world." (pp.214-215)

How will Muslims respond to this book? Some may seek to curse the author. They may respond in outrage. But that will not disprove the facts presented here. Islam is supposed to be a religion based in history. It is supposed to be a religion of reason. But if history will not support the claims of Islam, is it time for Muslims to rethink the legitimacy of Islam? Blind commitment to the teachings of the local imam will not be enough in this age of instant information and verification of facts"

Tom Holland's response to criticism of his documentary;

Note by A2T;

In Syro-Aramaic, a language that preceded Arabic, the word "Muhammad" isn't a name but a *title* defined as "The Anointed One/Chosen One". This title was the Syro-Aramaic reference to "The Christ" of the Bible in the areas of Syria and vicinity which historical evidence indisputably proves, then it would have of an Arab Prophet whom is unable to be found outside of the Qu'ran/Hadiths unless they're the few spurious sources that can't be corroborated/verified by other contemporaneous sources sufficiently since being pseudopigraphica's, which coincidentally comes from Catholic sources ultimately, thereby being suspect as to error in translation understanding by deliberate design more so then due to it being likely to general illiteracy of such populations of these times in such areas, which as well would have assisted greatly in spreading the wrong translation definition.

In the circa 1300-1400 year old story of an "Arab Prophet" built on actual factual history or is it a corrupted version of various astro-polytheistic/pantheistic/animistic religions of western Mesopotamia merged with certain Biblical stories being understood in a philosophical/gnostic/heathen way with only touches of Abrahamic understanding when seen though the lens of evidential history? For the student whom diligently/rigorously seeks and studies factual ancient/classical history, digs even deeper, they will find that Islam's monotheistic position begins when Rome has already been in the same areas since circa mid 4th century seeking converts to Roman Catholicism. Could modern Islam be a Romanized cult that could be called "Arabian Catholicism"? intermixed accordingly with various anti-biblical heathen religions, which Catholicism basically is in different flavours depending on where it is in the world which in the case of Islam, and gave Islam it's start around 720AD (officially by evidence, not tradition) with an eerie clue being how closely the dress of a Islamic women (Hijab) and a Catholic Nun's covering is for example? Or is Islam a more nefarious strategy by Rome's agents (Egyptian - Templar - Jesuit Jews (Edomite/sons of Esau) through murder and suppression of true history among other things to use as a fierce attack dog for decimating the world population, as is already occurring in order to usher in a One World Order?

Some who appear in the above documentary, either know an "Arabian Prophet" is myth into reality and are being dishonest, or they are unaware of such evidence. Did an alleged "Arabian Prophet" with the alleged 'name' of "Muhammad" actually exist, or is this really a Roman deception?

Friday, October 24, 2014


The Oil Factor Behind The War On Terror
The Oil Factor, alternatively known as Behind the War on Terror, is an approximately 90 minute 2004 movie written and directed by Gerard Ungerman and Audrey Brohy, narrated by Ed Asner. The documentary analyzes the development of some global events since the beginning of the century (especially after the 9/11 terrorist attacks) from the perspective of oil and oil-abundant regions. The documentary aspires to bring an untraditional point of view over the reasons, aspects and motives of this war and the direction of current US foreign policy.

Respondents, featuring in the Oil Factor, include:
Zbigniew Brzezinski, former US DoD adviser
Noam Chomsky, professor at MIT
Gary Schmitt, executive director of the Project for a New American Century
Paul Bremer, temporary (Iraqi) coalition leader
Karen Kwiatkowski, retired military adviser in The Pentagon
Azees Al-Hakim, member of current Iraqi government
Michael C. Ruppert, author of From the Wilderness, studying the peak oil issue (among others)
Randa Habib, director of the French press agency in Jordan
Gen. Piérre-Marie Gallois, energy-strategy analytist
David Mulholland, editor of magazine focused on military technology
Ahmed Rashid, author of "The Taliban" book


China V.s. US The Battle for Oil

Portrays how China and US grow at increasing odds over oil. Movie is biased towards the US, but overall it shows reasons why US invaded Iraq, Afghanistan, and now they want to go for Iran. What this movie doesn't show is the amount of genocides that the US has sponsored all over the world in order to satisfy banking cartels, big oil, big pharmaceutical, and food manipulation orders.

China 2014 - Strategic Shifts in Energy
What trends, business models and emerging technologies are transforming the energy industry?

Dimensions to be addressed:
- Energy geopolitics
- Decarbonizing technologies
- Unconventional oil and gas

Khalid A. Al Falih, President and Chief Executive Officer, Saudi Aramco, Saudi Arabia
Gao Jifan, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Trina Solar; President, China Photovoltaic Industry Association (CPIA), People's Republic of China
Simon Henry, Chief Financial Officer, Royal Dutch Shell, Netherlands
Boqiang Lin, Director, China Center for Energy Economics Research (CCEER), Xiamen University, People's Republic of China; Global Agenda Council on Decarbonizing Energy

Topic Champion
Tejpreet Singh Chopra, President and Chief Executive Officer, Bharat Light and Power, India; Young Global Leader; Global Agenda Council on India

Moderated by
Vijay Vaitheeswaran, China Business Editor and Shanghai Bureau Chief, The Economist, People's Republic of China; Global Agenda Council on the Economics of Innovation

Tuesday, October 21, 2014


Two main themes are covered:

The New World and its connection with American Freemasonry and the Jesuits.
The link between Europe Freemasonry and the principles of world revolution.

New World Order
Lucifer, the supposed illuminator of mankind, also has a secret plan in the earthly sphere for world domination that has been handed down through the centuries within occult societies. According to Masonic sources, the most important Mystery of secret societies is an ancient plan, passed down for thousands of years by oral tradition, for the establishment of a world government - a "universal democracy" - a "New Atlantis."

This New "World Order" as it is commonly called, is the concept of a model society with an "enlightened" world government. In this model, Christianity and religion is subsumed into the philosophy and illumination of the Mysteries. There are two variants: one is the New Age Movement, which seeks a one-world religion and social order based on a revival of the Mysteries; another is radical atheism, which seeks the destruction of all outward religion in a Communist society.

Relevant to this is the ancient legend of the lost continent Atlantis, in which there existed a model society in complete harmony ruled over by seven kings; another three kings in the Atlantean league ruled over Europe, Asia and Africa. The league was broken when the seven kings of Atlantis decided to conquer the other three continents. For this act the gods supposedly destroyed Atlantis in a flood. However, a closer look shows that the legend is a corruption of the Genesis Flood. This is a common Babylonish practice to link gods to perverted versions of Noah's Flood. The Atlantis legend also has a strange similarity to the description in Revelation of the beast with seven heads and ten horns that rose out of the sea. (Rev 13:1) and to the ten horns in Daniel's vision (Dan 7:24).

The ancient Greek philosopher Plato recorded the Atlantean legend. He got his information from Solon, an older writer who learnt of the legend from the priests of the Temple of Isis in Egypt. Further elements of the legend have also been preserved through occult societies and Freemasonry. It is versions of this Atlantean model of society which the occult societies and Freemasonry have sought to re-establish. Plato's principles of philosophy and his model republic based on the Communist principles of common property, are also expressions of this model society.

The occult societies saw the continent of America as an ideal place to establish their model society, a recreation of Atlantis - even before Columbus arrived there

The discovery of America by Columbus in 1492 was of profound significance. He sailed under the sign of the red cross, the sign of the Templars. After the discovery, the Pope laid claim to the Americas as his own, and divided them between Spain and Portugal. The Church of Rome and in particular the Jesuits had enormous influence all over Central and Southern America in the following 200 to 300 years. The Jesuits founded their model society in Paraguay, based on the Communist principles of Plato. The parallel between the Jesuits' Communist state of Paraguay in the 17th century and the New World Order of the occult societies is remarkable.

The superiority of Rome declined in Central and Southern America during the 18th & 19th centuries, as revolutions occurred that gave birth to countries we know today. Let's see how they fared in the struggle for North America.

Freemasonry and the Formation of the USA
An occult Masonic group of settlers arrived who had it as their aim to establish the "New Atlantis." Leading figures behind this movement were the explorer Sir Walter Raleigh and the writer Sir Francis Bacon; both were initiated into the occult and were vigorous campaigners for the settlement of America. Bacon was regarded by some as "the Founder of Freemasonry" - "the guiding light of the Rosicrucian Order" -- the members of which kept the torch of true universal knowledge, the Secret Doctrine of the ages, alive during the dark night of the Middle Ages. In the early 1600s Bacon authored a novel entitled "New Atlantis," which laid out the idea of a utopian society across the ocean from Europe.

The Masonic colonists inspired by Bacon set up the colony of Jamestown in 1607. However, the mode of conduct and communal principles proved a disaster and the colony barely survived.

Subsequently, another set of colonists, the "Pilgrim Fathers," landed in New England. They were Protestants fleeing persecution. In their first winter they also nearly perished through the same mistakes as those made in the Jamestown colony. Being Christians, not occultists, their leader, Bradford, followed a system of land ownership by giving each family a plot of land. God blessed them and they flourished and expanded as further Puritan refugees arrived from Britain. Bradford later severely criticized the Communist system of Plato, where all property was held in common, which had been foisted on the Pilgrim Fathers by certain London merchants who had financed the voyage.

The presence of the Puritans and their policy of private land ownership, was a great obstacle to the hopes of the Freemasons and the occult societies to form their New World. Similarly, the large population in Britain poised a problem for them, which they tried to circumvent by adopting a facade of Christianity in order to attract Christians to their number. However, most Masons professing Christianity had no idea of the dark motives and aims underlying Freemasonry; they became the unwitting tools of the powers of evil and darkness.

These Masonic groups became very influential in the America colonies during the 18th century. They were the driving force behind the America Revolution, which led to the declaration of Independence in 1776 and the formation of the United States. The majority of the early leaders and presidents of the USA were Masons, albeit mainly at a low level. Despite this the leading Masons were frustrated by the strong Christian influence on the new US Constitution. It was the Christian character of the Americans that helped to shape the new nation, countering the Masonic influence.

However, a third group of settlers arrived in 1634 were Romanists led by Lord Baltimore. They founded Maryland, that later became one of the States of America. A Jesuit priest spiritually directed them; they became the nucleus for a subtle expansion of Romanist and Jesuit influence in the American colonies. The Carroll family from the society was inextricably allied with the Freemasonic revolutionary movement. The Jesuits also incited America Revolution, and it is asserted that the Jesuit Gen. Ricci engineered the demise of the Jesuit society in Europe as a ploy to divert attention away from the plan to create the New World Order in America.
The Masonic founders of the USA ensured that many of the national symbols were blatantly occult. The Pentagram, symbol of the Goat of Mendes or Baphomet, is widely used, viz. on the Congressional Medal of Honor. The stars on the US flag are 5-pointed and a variant of the Pentagram. Even the streets of Washington DC around the White House were laid out in the form of a Pentagram and the square and compass of Freemasonry.

Pyramid All-seeing eye
The symbolism of the great seal of the USA is chilling; since the days of Pres. Roosevelt (a 33rd Degree Mason) this symbol appears on US dollar bills. It consists of a pyramid with no cap on it; this is a copy of the pyramid of Gizah, which was believed by ancient Egyptians to be the shrine tomb of the god Hermes. Above the top of the pyramid floats a Masonic triangle containing the all-seeing eye of Osiris surrounded by rays of light. Around the picture are the words "Novus Ordo Seclorum," which mean New World Order! The symbol signifies that the New World Order is nearing completion.

Other research shows that there is a deeper significance to the symbols than simply Freemasonry; the symbolism is in fact derived from pagan Rome, viz. "Novus Ordo Seclorum," which mean New World Order, comes from the pagan Latin poet Virgil. Furthermore, the site for the new capital of the USA, Washington DC was on land owned by leading Romanists. Prior to being called "District of Columbia," the land was called "Rome!" Moreover, the Capitol of Washington DC was given plot number 666. Even the word "Capitol" was derived from the Latin word for temple of Jupiter. Washington DC also became the home for the famous Georgetown College (now university) where the USA's leading diplomats and politicians are educated. However, it was founded and is still controlled by the Jesuits.

During the early years of the USA there was a struggle by the higher initiates of Freemasonry to advance the occult revolutionary cause, including great figures such as Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson. These men had close contacts with Europe Freemasonry and the revolutionary movement that instigated the French Revolution. The horrors of the French Revolution opened the eyes of many to the extreme elements of Freemasonry. Additionally, a great blow was dealt to Freemasonry by the exposures in 1826 of Morgan, who openly published the secrets of Freemasonry. He was promptly murdered by fellow Masons, but the cat was out of the bag and it caused many to renounce Freemasonry in the USA. Subsequently, an anti-Masonic movement strengthened the laws and constitutional position of the USA. The occult societies nevertheless continued to grow and exert great power in the USA today. The Freemasons, Jesuits and Romanists also greatly increased their numbers despite internal differences.

Papal Ambition in North America
The Church of Rome tried to gain a dominant position in the USA by means of mass immigration from large Romanist communities in Quebec and Ireland to the new territories of the USA. A French speaking Romanist community was also planned in Illinois to ultimately dominate the Mid-West of the USA. However, the Lord remarkably opened the eyes of, Chiniquy, the founder of this community and many others to see the light of the Gospel, causing the plan to backfire, affecting all of the USA, in that Chiniquy spread the message to all French speakers in the USA and in Canada. It dealt a heavy blow to the Church of Rome in North America.

Another ploy to gain Rome's dominance in North America was the military intervention in 1863 of the French Emperor Napoleon III, that overthrew the Mexican republic and transformed it into a Romanist empire ruled by an Austrian Archduke. This empire collapsed in a revolution in 1867. However, it's no coincidence that Napoleon's expedition in Mexico occurred at a critical period in the America Civil War.

The Jesuits and the Church of Rome were working to subvert the USA, and in particular its Constitution that was largely based on the principles of the Gospel, with the freedom it entails. Rome also had a great adversary in Abraham Lincoln. He was originally a lawyer in Illinois who ably defended Chiniquy in 1856 against the Jesuits and the corrupt Romanist Bishop of Chicago. On numerous occasions they brought Chiniquy before the courts on false charges, but Lincoln publicly exposed the schemes of the priests in open court. Chiniquy warned him that it might still cost him his life…

A few years later Lincoln became President of the USA; this was at a time when the issues dividing the USA were coming to a head, including the great question of abolition of slavery. The Church of Rome helped to stir up and encourage much of the division that led to the outbreak of civil war in 1861. The Pope was quick to recognize the rebel Confederate States. Following the Pope's public support of the Confederacy, multitudes of Romanist soldiers in the Unionist army of President Lincoln deserted to the Confederacy. Despite this and the threatening presence of the French army in Mexico, the Unionist army was finally victorious in 1865 after very heavy loss of life.

A few days after the end of the Civil War, Lincoln was assassinated by the Jesuits, as Chiniquy had warned they were planning to do. Lincoln, as a Christian, believed that his stand, especially against and the designs of the papacy to destroy liberty in the Americas, was line with Biblical principles. He also knew that his stand might cost him his life. Chiniquy presented compelling evidence that the Church of Rome ordered and instigated the Lincoln's murder, aided by the Jesuits. Despite executing its revenge against Lincoln, the policies of the Church of Rome towards the USA lay in tatters, as they did in Europe.

Loyola and the Illuminati
We have seen that the Knights Templars secretly propagated occult rites under the authority of the Pope, and that they were suppressed in the 14th century. After this they carried on their work under other names in great secrecy. One such that deserves special attention is the Illuminati, also known as the "Alumbrados" in Spain. Loyola came to control the Illuminati before founding the Jesuit order. The Illuminati secretly became the most important branch of the Jesuit order. Modern day Jesuits also remained inextricably rooted in the occult - and allied to and at the service of the Church of Rome. Weishaupt formed the group called the "Illuminati" in 1776. It was an occult society linked to Freemasonry. Weishaupt's planned to use a facade of Christianity to attract influential well-intentioned Christians into his ranks. Professing Christians at lower levels were taught that the Illuminati were working for Christian unity throughout the world. However, Weishaupt and a select few were in reality hatching a satanic plot to bring in his own version of the Occult New World Order, with a return to nature and the establishment of "reason" as man's religion. This was to be achieved by the total destruction of existing society, government, monarchies and religion by means of revolution and anarchy. Only the highest initiates of the Illuminati knew about these objectives.

It seems that Weishaupt had been a Jesuit all along. The name of his apparently new society, the Illuminati, was the same as that which Loyola belonged to and had placed under the cover of the Jesuits. The similarities between the Illuminati and the Jesuits were in any case, remarkable. Firstly, the underlying principle of Weishaupt's Illuminati was identical to that of the Jesuits, namely that the ends justify the means. They believed that violent revolution and destruction of lives, property and society itself was justified - if it brought in a new model society. Secondly, the Illuminati used the Jesuit practice of infiltration. Weishaupt secretly placed members of the Illuminati within the highest levels of financial and government circles in Europe. Furthermore, it is important to note that Weishaupt formed the Illuminati shortly after the suppression of the Jesuits, and that Jesuits were among his recruits.

The French Revolution
Weishaupt's Illuminati quickly gained ground, which is not surprising, given its connections with powerful Jesuits and European Freemasonry. The first target of Weishaupt's revolution strategy was the destruction of the French monarchy. It largely served as revenge for France's suppression of the Jesuits.

In 1782 the Illuminati and Freemasonry in Europe were officially united. From this point the illuminized Freemasonry moved to Frankfurt, which was a great financial center of Germany. There they became closely linked with leading financiers - of whom some also had links to the Vatican.

As some of these leading financiers were Jewish, the wrong conclusion was drawn that the Jews were behind the Illuminati and subsequent revolution movements. It is not true, the Bible shows that many nations, including Israelites, fell prey to the false religion of Babylon. Erroneous claims about Jewish conspiracies have been the source of anti-Semitic propaganda since the days of Weishaupt. This "error" was used extensively by the Nazis.

The state of Bavaria got wind of Weishaupt's activities, and here the union of the Illuminati and Freemasonry proved crucial for the survival of the plot. In 1786 the Bavarian authorities raided the houses of leading Illuminati and captured many incriminating documents, although Weishaupt himself managed to escape. They banned the Illuminati and sent out warnings about the revolution plot to other nations in Europe. Tragically, the warnings from Bavaria were ignored. The Illuminati and Freemasonry had already merged and spread its evil in financial circles and influential government officials throughout Europe. Within a few years the anarchy of the French Revolution was unleashed.

Despite the aim of creating a new model society out of the ruins of France, that was  then to spread the revolution abroad, the devastating effect on French society and the economy caused the revolution to effectively burn itself out. However, out of the ruins arose Napoleon (also a Freemason), who lead France and Europe towards a new order which followed the pattern of the Roman Empire. He permitted the re-building of the Church of Rome in France, but did not allow it to exert power over the civil government.

Note that the motto of the French Revolution, "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity," was of Masonic origin. The occult notion of liberty is one of freedom from all moral constraints. In the Mysteries the title given to Dionysus was "Eleuthereus," and to Bacchus was given the similar title "Liber." These come from the Greek and Latin respectively, but both mean "free." From there the gross immorality we find in the worship of Bacchus.

Another symbol of the French Revolution that has been adopted ever since by Socialists and Communists, was the red flag - the color symbolizing blood and fire in the Mysteries.

Strange Interconnections
There is evidence that Marx was led into Communism through being initiated into Satanism and illuminized Freemasonry. Like Weishaupt, he had a great hatred of God and religion. Socialist revolution was just an end to fight against that which they hated. Here Satanism and atheism are companions. It is most extraordinary that Marx and Engels, who wrote the Communist Manifesto in the 1800's, were actually coached and directed by Jesuits priests.

An example of the Jesuit connection with revolution is the actions of Napoleon III. He came to power as a socialist, but his revolutionary Masonry strangely turned towards the Jesuits and the Church of Rome once he was the head of the French government - Jesuit infiltration must have caused this.

Another peculiar coincidence is seen in the occult society, the Ku Klux Klan that was formed by Confederate Army officers after their defeat in the America Civil War. They protested against the freeing of black slaves. However, in its racist attacks and propaganda, it was closely linked to Nazism. The Ku Klux Klan is also of Masonic origin and is an open opponent of the Church of Rome - although it is alleged that the organization was established by Romanists and then controlled by Jesuits. Its main aim is to discredit Protestants, by preaching racial hatred and violence whilst calling itself a Protestant organization. They are also Holocaust deniers.

Not only the Vatican supported the Confederacy, the Freemasons did as well, including the Leading occultist and Mason, Albert Pike. The symbolism of the Ku Klux Klan is also striking. They have the fire-cross as a symbol, which is a symbol of the god Tammuz. It is most noteworthy that the Church of Rome at this time in the 19th century used the fire-cross in its Easter worship at St. Peter's. The name Ku Klux Klan is derived from the Greek word "kuklos," which means circle. The circle is a Mysteries symbol for the sun god, which is widely used in the Church of Rome, Freemasonry and witchcraft. (Back to Festivals#fire-cross)

The Jesuit oath = occultic, viz. performed under a yellow and white Papal banner and a black banner with a dagger and a red cross above a skull and cross bones with the initials I.N.R.I. with its meaning underneath: "Icstum Nacar Reges Impios" - "it is just to annihilate impious rulers." [Biblically, these initials represent the Roman inscription above Christ's head, meaning, "Jesus of Nazareth the king of the Jews."

On the floor is a Red Cross upon which the postulant candidate kneels. Their superior hands him a mall black crucifix which he takes in his left-hand and presses to his heart and the Superior at the same time presents him a dagger which he grasps by the blade and holds the point against his heart…

For the sake of propriety we'll omit the awful and violent declarations that are made in the oath itself, which ends with a blood oath similar to Freemasonry. Another scene in which the occult/Romish rites merge, is provided by photographs from a French Carmelite Convent, viz. A nun praying in front of a cross and human skulls. This publication also exposes unspeakable acts of cruelty carried out at convents.

Union of American and European illuminized Freemasonry
The union came from collaboration between Pike and Mazzini in the creation of a new supreme rite, the New and Reformed Palladian Rite (1870). Pike became the Sovereign Pontiff of Universal Freemasonry, and arch-revolutionary and Communist, Mazzini, the Sovereign Chief of Political Action.

The Truth about Communism

Pike set out a terrible plan for revolution and world war in 1871. This devilish plan to re-establish the Mysteries and the worship of Lucifer shows that the Occult does not only use a facade of Christianity, but also operates under the cover of atheism.

Meanwhile in Rome, Pope Pius IX under the influence of the Jesuits put forward decrees in 1864 trampling on all freedom of religion and expression, restating absolute power of the Church of Rome over the whole world. In 1870, following the loss of the Pope's temporal power over the Kingdom of Italy, the decree of Papal infallibility was made - a copy ascribed to the Sovereign Pontiffs of the ancient Babylonian Mysteries.

Monday, October 20, 2014


Perhaps people are wondering why suddenly CHINA a communist government is now turning heavily into commercialism. A capitalist government which is supposed to believe in equality of wealth and equal distribution of goods for the people but now there is no doubt that the government is more likely becoming like the "west", like the U.S.A. who are materialistically inclined to create a government with a tendency to make the richer richer and the poor poorer. Well, read this blog from CHINA WATCH CANADA entitled; "Pentagon: China’s military advances to overtake U.S. in 5 years." and perhaps you might wonder why the sudden advancement of their weapon technology system not to meantion their high tech in terrestrial transportation system which I believe a part of the Masonic Jesuit Illuminati plan for a New China as part of the NWO in the east.

Pentagon: China’s military advances to overtake U.S. in 5 years
Bill Gertz writes for The Washington Free Beacon, Jan. 28, 2014:
China’s recent test of a new ultra-high speed strike vehicle highlights growing concerns that Chinese military advances will overtake those of the United States in as few as five years, a senior Pentagon official told Congress Tuesday.

Frank Kendall, undersecretary of defense for acquisition, technology, and logistics, said during a House Armed Services Committee hearing that he is concerned by large-scale cuts in U.S. defense spending that are undermining efforts to maintain U.S. military superiority.

“On hypersonics, this is a good example of an area of technology that is going to move forward whether we invest in it or not,” Kendall told a hearing on the United States shift toward Asia. “China is doing work in this area.”

The Pentagon is investing some resources in two forms of hypersonic arms: a ballistic missile boost glide vehicle and a jet powered, atmospheric cruise missile, he said.

Kendall said the threat of such hypersonic vehicles to the United States is that they are difficult for missile defenses to counter. The vehicles travel and maneuver while flying at speeds of up to Mach 10 or 7,680 miles an hour.

“The high speed of these systems makes it much more difficult for air defenses to engage,” he said.

Kendall, in testimony on the Obama administration’s so-called “pivot” to Asia, said the Chinese development of hypersonic strike weapons is an area of technology that is likely to outpace U.S. efforts in the future.

“When I spoke earlier about feeling reasonably comfortable where we are today [with arms technology] but not necessarily so comfortable five or 10 years from not, this is one of the technologies that would be on that list of things that in five or 10 years we might have a much bigger problem with then,” Kendall said.

The comments followed questioning from Rep. Trent Franks (R., Ariz.), who said he shares the concerns about the Chinese hypersonic glide vehicle development and testing.
“My purpose here is to try to elevate that concern because I think it is a significant one, especially since given time, it will manifest,” Franks said.

The Washington Free Beacon first disclosed China’s Jan. 9 flight test of a hypersonic glide vehicle that the Pentagon has called the WU-14.

The experimental weapon is a new strategic strike capability China’s military is developing that is designed to defeat U.S. missile defenses. China could use the vehicle for both nuclear and conventional precision strikes on targets, including aircraft carriers at sea.
Note: Wikipedia says “WU-14 is the Pentagon’s code name for a Chinesehypersonic glide vehicle (HGV) which conducted its first flight test on Jan 9th, 2014, as reported by Washington Free Beacon on Jan 14th, 2014.On Jan 15th, 2014, Chinese Defense Ministry confirmed the test in a two-sentence statement faxed to news agencies and state-run media in Beijing.The Free Beacon said the test made China the second country after the United States to have successfully tested a hypersonic delivery vehicle able to carry nuclear warheads at a speed above Mach 10– or 12,359 kilometers per hour (7,675 mph).”
U.S. officials said that, while the glide vehicle test was not an intelligence surprise, it showed China is moving much more rapidly than in the past in efforts to research, develop, and test advanced weaponry.

Adm. Samuel Locklear, commander of the U.S. Pacific Command, noted that the hypersonic test demonstrated China’s ability to move quicker than the United States in developing some advanced arms.

“The Chinese, as other nations are, are pursuing hypersonic technologies,” Locklear said last week at the Pentagon. “This is just one of many, you know, highly technical militarized systems that whether the Chinese are developing them, or we’re developing them, or Europeans are developing, that will continue to complicate the security environment with high-technology systems.”
“We will have to figure them into the calculation of how we’re going to maintain a peaceful security environment in the future,” he added.

Committee Chairman Rep. Buck McKeon (R., Calif.), along with subcommittee chairmen Reps. Randy Forbes (R., Va.) and Mike Rogers (R., Mich.), described the hypersonic test in a statement as the Chinese military “leaping ahead of us” in arms development.

“The Asia Pacific is fast becoming a powder keg,” the lawmakers said. “Allowing nations that do not share our respect for free and open avenues of commerce to gain a strategic advantage over the United States and her allies only brings us closer to lighting the fuse.”
Vice Adm. Frank Pandolfe, director of strategic plans and policy for the Joint Staff, said during the hearing that he would only discuss the Chinese hypersonic test in a closed-door hearing.

Earlier, Kendall said the Pentagon is facing numerous challenges to the U.S. military’s technological superiority, including in Asia, as part of a new policy designed to prevent China and other nations from blocking U.S. access to the region.

“Anti-access/area denial capabilities that concern us cover a range of conventional capabilities,” Kendall said. “In the case of China in particular, for example, they include space control investments; offensive cyber capabilities; conventional ballistic and cruise missiles with precision seekers designed to attack both fixed land installations and surface ships, including aircraft carriers; air-to-air capabilities, including fifth-generation fighters; long-range missiles with advanced technology seekers; and electronic warfare systems.”

China is expected to field a new fight-generation jet fighter, the J-20, in the next few years and also could export the aircraft to other states, he said.
At the same time, the U.S. military is being cut sharply, undermining both high-technology weapons development.

“China’s pursuing a long-term comprehensive military modernization program focused on anti-access/area denial capabilities,” Kendall said. “Today our investments, on the other hand, are being limited by budget cuts that fall disproportionately on modernization, research and development and procurement.”

The Obama administration has cut more than $500 billion dollars from defense spending in the past several years.

“The size of the immediate reductions we are experiencing is bad enough,” Kendall said. “Uncertainty about future budget reductions make sizing our force problematic and encourages a slower drawdown in our force structure. This in turn causes even larger reductions in modernization.”

Kendall said that until military forces are reduced to sustainable levels, “we will be forced to disproportionately reduce modernization, the very investments that provide with technological superiority in the Asia-Pacific region and elsewhere.”

Last year, the Pentagon spent around $65 million on hypersonic weapons research and development in its Prompt Global Strike program. The figure included a cut of $66 million from earlier proposed spending. Another $45 million was allocated to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency for hypersonic work.

Officials said the Lockheed Martin hypersonic glide vehicle demonstrator, known as HTV-2, is being shelved after two tests. The HTV-2 is designed to travel at Mach 20 or 15,224 miles per hour.

Boeing is developing a X-51 Waverider, a scramjet powered high-speed vehicle. The Army is also developing an advanced hypersonic weapon that could be used for high-speed missile defenses.

A congressional aide said U.S. development of hypersonic weapons is required under U.S. strategic nuclear reviews and guidance but the administration has failed to adequately pursue the weapons.

If the forthcoming defense budget request, scheduled for release March 4, adds funds for hypersonics, it would be a sign of renewed commitment following the Chinese test, the aide said.

“We’ve been pushing them and trying to get them to do more. But it’s not clear whether we’re pushing against an open door or closed door,” he said.

Kendall declined to comment on the administration’s fiscal 2015 request.
But other defense officials said funding for hypersonic weapons could be increased for fiscal 2015 in the aftermath of the Chinese test.

Kendall said he is “very comfortable” with U.S. weapons capabilities today.
“I’m not sure we will say that in five or 10 years down the road,” he said. “And the trajectory for our relationship with China is uncertain today, where we’re going to go in the future, one of the reasons we’re focused on the Asia Pacific is we want to do our best to influence that trajectory to go in a positive way.”

He said there is a range of weapons and technologies that need greater investment “than we may be able to afford with the current levels.”

McKeon said at the hearing that he is concerned that plans to refocus on Asia from wars in the Middle East and South Asia may contribute to global insecurity.
“When the president framed rebalance, he discussed how we could now safely turn our attention to Asia because the war in Afghanistan was receding, and al Qaeda was on the path to defeat,” McKeon said.

“I’m concerned these commissions haven’t panned out. Violence and instability rage in the Middle East and Africa. Preserving forces’ readiness and capabilities in [Pacific Command] means less elsewhere. Can we afford to take risk in [Central Command] or [Africa Command]?”

McKeon questioned the validity of the shift to Asia and noted that the budget for the U.S. Pacific Command is being cut. Defense budget cuts have made the problem worse, he said. The recent passage of the omnibus spending bill provided some stability for the next two years, but after that the same problems will reemerge.

“And military leaders are left with no choice but to cut end strength, readiness and capabilities,” he said of the future. “And that has consequences for our security and military commitments in Pacom and across the globe, unless we adequately resource defense.”
Posted by Conan Doyle at 8:03 am  SOURCE: CHINA WATCH CANADA. To learn more about CHINA pls go to China Watch Canada for more info. Click HERE.

The Jesuit Illuminati NEW WORLD ORDER CHINA.

China is currently run by Jesuit agents who are mainly trained by the descendants of the missionaries who first infiltrated the Chinese Imperial courts by establishing a society based on their Counter-Reformation ideology and principles. The Youtube video below will give you an insight how they settled in the Chinese mainland and by what terms they have used to infiltrate the government and perhaps you will understand why China is a Communistic Society as we know that COMMUNISM is a Jesuit creation not only to create a society that is anti-God but also LUCIFERIAN in nature.

Listen to what Lindsey Williams will tell you who are these people... behind CHINA. The "Ëlites" are the Masonic Jesuit Illuminati... 

There is no doubt that it is an ILLUMINATI Jesuit conspiracy to make CHINA a main player in their ancient plan to create a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT... and ONE WORLD RELIGION.! Get out of the Roman Universal Church system before its too late! 

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