The Modern English word Easter is taken from the Old English word Ä’ostre or Ostara which can also be traced and connect to the Germanic Pagan goddess of equinox and fertility. It is the worship of their sun god, another form of Egyptian Sun worship which is from the ancient religion of Semiramis and Nimrod. So to be precise, the celebration of Easter is connected to SUN WORSHIP and has nothing to do with the resurrection of the Messiah, Joshua or Yeshua the son of Joseph and of Mary.
Now many will ask us or question us how did Easter Sunday became a Christian holy day or festival? Well, if we look at our history, we know the apostles and mostly the first disciples of Jesus of Nazareth were mainly Jews and some were Greeks but we find no trace in the Holy Scriptures about a day called Easter Sunday. The resurrection of the Lord is not called Easter Sunday neither the pre-Constantine believers celebrated a day called "Easter Sunday". There is no word found Easter pointing or in relevance to the resurrection of Christ. The fact is that because Christianity is now a legal religion, new words are used not to bring light to the Messianic teachings of the Old Testament but I believe new words were introduced to deceive not only believers but also to mislead many people who would like to come to Christ and His teachings. I say the organized church during the times before the Reformation became a money making business. A corrupt religion who was headed by corrupt popes, bishops and priests. The inventions of unBiblical doctrines that is designed to bring money to the Church of Rome was the way these people financed their corrupted pagan-Christianity lifestyle hidden within is their scandalous misbehaviour of pedophilia and homosexuality. No wonder why as we are approaching another so-called modern age and year where we find biblically-condemned lifestyle and behaviour that is being pushed and legalized into mainstream Romanist dominated culture and societies. Indeed, we are approaching an age that evil is seen and defined as good or acceptable and vice-versa. The pioneers to counter the Protestant Reformation was seen as successful in another angle, but in God's eyes we know He has a plan that man cannot fathom unless He Himself has revealed it unto Him either through His words or in looking back to the past. The scripture is clear about the last days that many false teachings and teachers will be in the world and will deceive many. (See 1 Timothy 4:1, 2 Timothy 4:3, Jude 1:18)
Easter Sunday Celebration is of course just one of many false teachings that has crept into the church today and has deceived many.
Easter Sunday has become a universal belief of many Modern Ecumenical Churches believing it is a holy celebration that gives glory to God. And of course we know God is not pleased if we are not worshipping Him in Spirit and Truth. Hence, we are like Cain whose sacrifice was rejected because it cannot please Him. (See Gen 4:4-7) God is not pleased because it is not according to His Word nor it is His Will. God will never accept an offering that is unrighteous. (Hebrews 11:4)
Clearly, Easter Sunday is another rejected holy day and God is not pleased nor He will accept it because it has nothing to do with Him but its of the devil. Get out of Romanism before it is too late. (Rev. 18:4-8)
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