Thursday, June 26, 2014

History - Orangemen in Canada and the Jesuits.

During the French regime Jesuits were granted considerable property and seigneuries, which they used for educational purposes and for their Indian missions. After the conquest, ownership of these estates passed to Britain, which held them 1763-1800, when the last Canadian Jesuit died. In 1831 London awarded the estates to Lower Canada. In 1838 Catholic bishops began to petition unsuccessfully for the appropriation of the Jesuits' estates in accordance with the wishes of the donors.

The Death of General Wolfe is a well-known 1770 painting by Anglo-American artist Benjamin West depicting the death of British General James Wolfe during the 1759 Battle of Quebec of the Seven Years' War. It is an oil on canvas of the Enlightenment period. West made an additional and nearly identical painting of the same scene for King George III in 1771. (More..)

The Jesuits, re-established in Canada in 1842, were authorized by Rome in 1871 to begin negotiating a settlement of their estates with the Québec government, the estates' owner since Confederation. Archbishop Elzéar-Alexandre Taschereau of Québec then intervened, arguing that revenue from these estates should be divided among Catholic schools rather than being given to the Jesuits, who wished to establish a university in Montréal to rival Québec's Université Laval. As Québec's Roman Catholic hierarchy quarrelled, Québec Premier Honoré Mercier called upon Pope Leo XIII to arbitrate the dispute.

In July 1888 the Legislative Assembly unanimously passed the Jesuits' Estates Act, which provided a monetary settlement: the Jesuits would receive $160 000 and surrender all claims; $140 000 would go to U Laval and $100 000 to selected dioceses. A further $60 000 was allocated to Protestant institutes of higher education. Since Pope Leo XIII had been arbiter, the Orange Order in Ontario vehemently opposed the settlement as a papist intrusion into Canadian affairs. A heated debate occupied the House of Commons in March 1889; the motion to disallow the Québec law was defeated by 188 votes to 13. The Jesuits' Estates Act put additional strain on English Protestant-French Catholic relations. (Source: The Canadian Encyclopedia)


Jesuit Estates Act - law adopted in 1888 by the Quebec legislature, partly to indemnify the Society of Jesus for Jesuit property confiscated by the British during the period after the suppression (1773) of the society by Pope Clement XIV. The act caused a violent controversy in Canada, and Protestants generally demanded that it be disallowed; the federal government finally decided not to interfere with provincial legislation, and the act was allowed to stand. (Source: )

Jesuit Estates controversy,  in Canadian history, dispute that arose between Protestants and Roman Catholics after the re-establishment of the Jesuit order.

When the Society of Jesus (the Jesuit order) was suppressed by the papacy in 1773, its extensive landholdings in Canada were transferred to the British government, with any revenues derived from them to be applied to educational programs. Popular demand for the educational and missionary services of the Jesuits forced Pope Pius VII to restore the order in 1814. In 1842 a number of Jesuits returned to Canada. (Source: )


The Jesuit Estates Act (From )

One of the major political controversies of nineteenth century Canada and one which divided the country both politically and religiously was the Jesuit Estates Act. The problem of the Jesuit estates dated back to 1775 when the Jesuit Society had been suppressed in Canada. When its last surviving member died in 1800 the Crown had taken over its estates. However, in 1773 the Pope had dissolved the Society itself thus automatically, it was claimed by the Roman Catholic Church, transferring its property to the bishops of Montreal and Quebec.

The Society of Jesuits, revived abroad between 1811 and 1814 and readmitted into Canada in 1842 began to press ffor repossession of the confiscated estates. The political leader of Quebec at the time, Mercier, a former Jesuit student, secured for them from the Quebec legislature in 1887 an act of incorporation. The next year he set aside $400,000.00 as compensation for their confiscated estates to be paid to whichever beneficiary the Pope might indicate.

Orangemen, who had long struggled in vain for legal recognition through an act of incorporation were furious over the Jesuit act of incorporation and angrier still over the payment of money. They reached their boiling point at the introduction of papal authority into Canada's affairs. The Grand Master of Canada, Nathaniel Clarke Wallace M.P., tore apart the Jesuit Estates Bill in a speech before the Grand Lodge of Canada meeting in Winnipeg, Manitoba. He pointed out that it was a dangerous precedent to have a foreign power allowed a final say over Canadian government policy.

Conservative leaders did not sense, as they should have done, the mood of the Orange leadership and indeed of the rank and file members. They were furious with the Conservative leadership. In parliament Lieutenant-Colonel O'Brien, an Orangeman, moved an amendment that the House of Commons should request the Governor General to disallow the action of the Quebec legislature. He was supported by only twelve other members, including Clarke Wallace, but the number proved to be unlucky for the government. "The Noble Thirteen" were toasted and cheered everywhere that they went.

The Orange Conservative M.P.'s who had failed to support them had stirred up hornet's nests of voter dissatisfaction in their own constituencies. One Orange Conservative, William McCulla M.P. for Peel County, had the following censure given to him for failing to vote with his fellow Orangemen:

"To Brother McCulla, explaining that we "view the altar", and emphatically condemn the action of the Dominion Government in not disallowing the Jesuit Estates Act....not raising your voice against it, but voting for the same, and placing party before country to the detriment of the Protestant religion and the equal right and liberties which you as a member of the Orange Order are sworn to support....Too many members of the society use the Association merely as a stepping-stone to influence and position, thereby traducing the sacred principles of the order....use your best endeavours to have the same brought before the Privy Council on its merits....we pledge ourselves in future to support only those...."

Orangemen had spoken. For the first time in the young history of Canada they had finally flexed their political muscle on the national scene and used their voting power to bring not only their own Orange members of parliament into line but to force the government to act. The government of Canada brought in an Orange Incorporation Bill and this time it passed through the House of Commons and received Royal Assent. Some fifty years after the first tries at incorporating the Association it was finally realized. The election of 1891 was a bitter one with many Orangemen refusing to vote for those members who had not voted against the Jesuit Estates Bill whether they were Orange members or not. McCulla's loss of the Orange vote cost him his seat in this election and the Conservative majority in the House of Commons was greatly reduced. Clarke Wallace, the Grand Master of Canada, retained his seat in the election. A commemmorative medal was struck by the 'Toronto Globe' newspaper to honour the 'Noble Thirteen' and today the Orange Lodge in Niagara Falls is known as Noble Thirteen L.O.L. in their memory.

Paisley: Genesis to Revelation - Face to Face with Eamonn Mallie ( Episodes 1 & 2)

Episode 1 of 2
Ian Paisley has been one of the most controversial political figures of the 20th century.

From firebrand preacher to hard line politician and ultimately Northern Ireland's First Minister, he has lived a life in the public eye.

In this two-part series, Eamonn Mallie challenges Ian Paisley on his role in Northern Ireland's troubled past and reveals the dramatic circumstances of his departure from politics and public life. (Source: BBC One)

Episode 2 of 2
Ian Paisley has been one of the most controversial political figures of the 20th century.

From firebrand preacher to hard line politician and ultimately Northern Ireland's first minister, he has lived a life in the public eye.

In this two-part series, Eamonn Mallie challenges Ian Paisley on his role in Northern Ireland's troubled past and reveals the dramatic circumstances of his departure from politics and public life. (Source: BBC One)

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Roman Catholic COMMUNISM.

Extracted from the eBook entitled Antichrist Conspiracy - Inside the Devil’s Lair by Edward Hendrie. You can download the eBook HERE for FREE.


Not only did Rome instigate World War I, but it was also instrumental in the Bolshevik revolution. While the Catholic church publicly opposed communism, it secretly financially aided and abetted the communist revolution in Russia at every turn. In April 1917, Lenin and some of his key revolutionaries were transported through Germany in the now infamous sealed train. Diego Bergen, a Jesuit trained German Roman Catholic, was the man most responsible for arranging Lenin’s journey through Germany to Russia.Bergen later became the German ambassador to the Vatican under the Weimar Republic and Hitler’s Germany. Of course, the Vatican expected a payoff for their financial and logistical aid to the communists. Between 1917 and 1924 the Vatican entered into secret agreements with Lenin,which assured the communists Vatican support if the communists would suppress the Russian Orthodox Church and make Roman Catholicism the Official religion of Russia.The immense wealth and land holdings of the Orthodox church were to be turned over to the Roman Catholic Church lock stock and barrel. In the end, however, Lenin and his successors double-crossed the Vatican, they took the Vatican money but sided with the Orthodox Church. This made the Russian communists the enemies of the Vatican.  The Vatican sought revenge by using the Nazis to invade Russia during World War II.  
The Vatican failed in World War II.What they failed to accomplish in war, they have accomplished through intrigue and diplomacy.The Vatican and the communists are now working closely again toward their ultimate objective of world domination. Former Jesuit Alberto Rivera found out that the Jesuit General in Rivera’s time was a Mason and a communist. Pope John Paul II is a Marxist communist, who has continued the progression started by Pope John XXIII and Pope Paul VI toward a Marxian inspired Catholicism.While Pope Paul VI cultivated close ties with Moscow, Pope John Paul II has chosen a Catholic communism that is independent of Moscow.  It was John Paul’s break with Moscow that caused them to attempt to assassinate him on May 13, 1981. In the early days of the communist revolution in Cuba, Catholic bishops and priests inCuba denounced communism.  Many Catholic priests were imprisoned or exiled by Fidel Castro. However, after the initial attack by the Communists on th e anti-communist priests, the Roman Catholic Church as an institution drew very close to the communist regime under Castro.The Roman Catholic Church since the early 1960s has steadfastly refused to raise its voice against the crimes committed under the communist regime in Cuba.In fact, the Catholic Church has worked to assist the Cuban communists.In the early 1960's a pastoral letter signed by most of the Cuban Catholic bishops, but not by all, condemned the U.S. blockade of Cuba and asked the people of Cuba to work to help the communist revolution. Some Catholic priests bravely refused to read the pastoral letter to their congregations.The Catholic Church was showing its true colors. Monsignor Cesar Zachi was the Vatican’s ambassador to Cuba.  As the official representative of the Catholic Church, Zachi avidly supported the communism of Fidel Castro.Zachi extolled the virtues of the communist revolution and continually asked the young people in Cuba to join the communist revolutionary militia.In fact, Fidel Castro was the guest of honor at Zachi’s episcopal consecration.  
Even when their own Catholic priests are beaten and tortured the Roman Catholic hierarchy turns a blind eye to the brutality of the Cuban communists.  For example Miguel Angel Loredo, a Catholic priest, was arrested by the Cubans and sent to prison.  He was beaten severely by Cuban prison guards and lay hospitalized.  When news of the beating spread abroad a Cuban official, Carlos Rafael Rodriguez, called the Catholic Nuncio, Cesar Zachi, to the Cuban Ministry of Foreign Affairs where he had a private conference with him.  After the conference, Zachi, as the official spokesman in Cuba for the Vatican, announced that the revolution had been very generous with Laredo and had treated him well since he had not been taken to jail, but a little farm where he devoted himself to the peaceful work of planting lettuce and radishes.  By that deception the Catholic Church perverted the truth in order to conceal from the world the barbarity of the communist regime.
The Vatican and the Cuban communists have had close ties now for almost 30 years. Fidel Castro was the honored guest of the Pope John Paul II at the Vatican in November of 1996 and the pope in turn visited Castro in Cuba in January 1998.  Both meetings were marked by cordiality, which puzzled and upset many in the American Cuban community, who don’t yet understand the close ties between communists and the Vatican.  Pope John Paul II has condemned the trade embargo of Cuba.  In an interview with Italian Journalist Jas Gawronski, Pope John Paul II had this to say about communism: "Communism has had its success in this century as a reaction against a certain type of unbridled, savage capitalism which we all know well." Apparently he is not the anti-communist the world press would have us believe he is.
It is not surprising that the Catholic Church would support communist regimes, the political philosophy that permeates papal encyclicals and council edicts is that all property is common to all, and private ownership must be subordinate to that principle.  That is the essence of communism and fascism.  In a Communist state the government owns all property, in a fascist state the people own property but the government controls what the owner is allowed to do with the property.  Pope Pius XI explains the Roman church’s position:

Provided the natural and divine law be observed, the public authority, in view of common good, may specify more accurately what is listed and what is illicit for property owners in the use of their possessions.  History proves that the right of ownership, like other elements of social life, is not absolutely rigid.
Pope Pius XI further stated:
Socialism inclines toward and in a certain measure approaches the truths which Christian [Catholic] tradition has always held sacred; for it cannot be denied that its demands at times, come very near those that Christian reformers of society justly insist upon.  Pius XI, Quadragesimo Anno, 109 (1931).
The communist philosophy of the Roman Catholic Church is inextricably woven into the political fabric of the Catholic Church.  It is not something that can be changed through a change in the Vatican leadership.  The doctrines of the Catholic religion are at the core of its communist collective political philosophy.  The Catholic leopard will not change its spots, because it cannot change its spots.  
The Irish Republican Army (IRA) is an example of the worldwide Communist influence of the Vatican.  The IRA was founded in 1969 as the clandestine terrorist arm of Sinn Fein, which is a Roman Catholic political movement whose aim is to subjugate Protestant Northern Ireland under the authority of the mostly Roman Catholic Ireland.  The IRA is guided by the hidden hand of the Jesuits.  The tenets of the IRA are based upon Catholic doctrine, and consequently the IRA has a decidedly Marxist orientation.  The IRA criminal terrorist activities include bombings, assassinations, kidnappings, extortion, and robberies, which are perpetrated against Protestant Christians living in Northern Ireland and the British government. 
The IRA is interlinked with other Communist terrorist organizations.  For example, on May 6, 2002, it was revealed that Marxist Communist rebels (FARC) in Colombia had been meeting for at least the previous three years and getting guidance from more than a dozen members of Sinn Fein and the IRA, who provided training in bomb making skills to the communist rebels and guided them in other terror activities.  In congressional testimony before the U.S. House of Representatives International Relations Committee, Colombian General Fernando Tapias, chairman of Colombia’s joint chiefs of staff, attributed to IRA training of the Marxist rebels the bombings of 320 electrical towers, 30 bridges, and 46 car bombings, resulting in the murders of 400 Colombian police and military officers.

Extracted from the eBook entitled Antichrist Conspiracy - Inside the Devil’s Lair by Edward Hendrie. You can download the eBook HERE for FREE.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Max Maverick Interviews Eric Jon Phelps on the Jesuits

Max Maverick Interviews Eric Jon Phelps on the Jesuits 1/6

Max Maverick Interviews Eric Jon Phelps on the Jesuits

November 5, 2012: Decrypted Matrix with Max Maverick on Revealing Talk Radio

Eric Jon Phelps, noted Jesuit expert, author of the book Vatican Assassins: Wounded In The House Of My Friends, lecturer and talk show host, will be our exclusive guest on November 5, 2012 on the Decrypted Matrix Radio Show on Revealing Talk Radio. We will start at the beginning of the Jesuits and learn how they were formed, what their hands have caused and where their influence directly affects us as individuals as well as in our government.

Max Maverick Interviews Eric Jon Phelps on the Jesuits 2/6

During last Monday night’s show it became apparent that Decrypted Matrix host, Max Maverick, was not going to get everything he wanted in the show. After the show, the ratings, site traffic and archive hits of the show made it quite obvious that this coming show would be important.

Max Maverick Interviews Eric Jon Phelps on the Jesuits 3/6

November 19, 2012: Decrypted Matrix with Max Maverick on Revealing Talk Radio

Max Interviews guest Eric Jon Phelps on the Jesuits Part III

Topics Covered:
Jesuit Coadjutors- Alex Jones, Jesse Ventura, George Noory, Ron Paul
Iran, Palestine/Gaza Conflict & History, Jews vs Muslims, Civil Rights Movement, Malcom X, Ku Klux Klan, Muslim Immigration to Western Europe, Islam: Sunni vs Shia, ‘RECONSTRUCTION’, JFK, Jesuit control of Detroit, Demonic Fallen Angels, and more!

Max Maverick Interviews Eric Jon Phelps on the Jesuits 4/6

Max Maverick Interviews Eric Jon Phelps on the Jesuits 5/6

AUDIO: Part 5 of Eric Jon Phelps Interview on Decrypted Matrix (Revealing Talk Radio) Military vs Martial Law

December 10, 2012 – Decrypted Matrix Radio: Eric Jon Phelps on the Jesuits part V (Exclusive) Military vs. Martial Law

Topics Covered:
Military Government & Martial Law by William E Burkheimer
Military Law – treated over enemy territory
Martial Law – over loyal territory of state enforcing
Jesuits start a crisis (Market Crash, 1929), Solution to ‘problem’ is FDR
John Jay Rascob, Dupont, General Motors, Empire state bldg, Controller of Lucky Luciano
Al Smith, Nicholas Brady..
‘Emergency War Powers Declaration’, by Harry Truman
Strawman Concepts – Birth Certificate Stock Value, Corporate Entity – Name in ALL CAPS
TIN Man / Wizard of Oz = Taxpayer Identification Number / NWO

Max Maverick Interviews Eric Jon Phelps on the Jesuits 6/6

AUDIO: Part 6 of Eric Jon Phelps Interview on Decrypted Matrix (Revealing Talk Radio) Banking Laws Exposed

Reposted from

Interview - Eric Phelps & Victor Perrilo - The Jesuits Behind the Holocaust

Oakland Press photo/DOUG BAUMAN Andy Woodiwiss (left) of Waterford Township is the grandson of Maj. Warren Lambert, who served as chief judge at the Dachau military War Crimes Tribunals. Woodiwiss donated a trunk of artifacts from the tribunals to the Holocaust Memorial Center Zekelman Family Campus in Farmington Hills. Stephen Goldman (right), executive director of the museum, looks through the trunk. 

Video from Youtube: Interview - Eric Phelps & Victor Perrilo - The Jesuits Behind the Holocaust

VIDEO: Relics donated to local Holocaust Memorial Center by CAROL HOPKINS

Waterford resident Andy Woodiwiss was in Lewiston in 1997 clearing out his grandmother's belongings after her death when he came upon a military trunk that belonged to his late grandfather, Major Warren Lambert.
Inside were books and papers, many with "Top Secret" written on them.
Woodiwiss's grandfather had served as chief judge at the historic Dachau military War Crimes Tribunals
If this photo can be proven to be taken at Dachau,
 it would be the only photo known showing
Adolf Hitler at a concentration camp. 
after World War II -- proceedings that ended with many Nazis either being sent to prison or hanged.
Woodiwiss struggled for years over what to do with the historic documents he possessed. At one point, he was offered $1 million by a neo-Nazi organization for the records but turned it down.
On Wednesday, Woodiwiss, a retired GM worker, donated everything to the Holocaust Memorial Center Zekelman Family Campus in Farmington Hills "Many of the images have never been seen before," said Stephen Goldman, the museum's executive director. The museum plans to place items on display and develop a traveling display. "This is an invaluable collection," Goldman said. President Franklin D. Roosevelt named Lambert to head the Dachau trials, which ran from 1945-48 at the site of a Nazi concentration camp in southern Germany. U.S. military judges tried 1,672 people, including concentration camp commanders and guards, and those accused of killing Allied prisoners. Judges convicted 1,416 people and sentenced 297 to death. Warren Lambert lived from 1906 to 1987 and was a Michigan resident for many years. A professional soldier, he earned a Purple Heart and was in the first platoon into the Battle of the Bulge.
Victor Perillo, who runs WG Production Co. in Sylvan Lake, has written a docu-drama and book about Lambert.
Perillo said Lambert lived in Pontiac in the 1920s. When he entered the military, he studied military code and procedure.
"His supervisor looked up to him and chose him to be the judge at Dachau," Perillo said. (Pls Click HERE to Continue reading.. )